Fis-sena 2002, Josephine Grech kienet il-prezentattrici tal-programm "Scooters il-Gimgha" fuq TVM u Education 22.
Fis-sena 2003, Josephine bdiet tipprezenta "Omnibus l-Erbgha" fuq Education 22.
Taghmel ukoll xi intervisti fil-programm "Naghmlu Festa" fuq Smash TV.
Fis-sena 2004, Josephine pprezentat 3 skedi ta' "Omnibus il-Gimgha" u pproduciet il-programmi "Free" ghaz-zghazagh u adoloxxenti. Dawn kienu jitrattaw il-psikologija, sesswalita u spiritwalita'.
Fis-sena 2005, Josephine pproduciet u pprezentat il-programmi "Kurzita'", programmi ta' dokumentarji u nformazzjoni dwar il-gzejjer Maltin.
Fis-sena 2006 Josephine pproduciet u pprezentat il-programmi ghat-tfal "Kabu'". Ipprezentat ukoll il-programmi "Diversi" fuq Net TV.
Fis-sena 2007 Josephine ipproduciet u pprezentat xi programmi dwar l-ewro. Programmi ghat-tfal zghar kien jisimhom "Ewrotfal"; programmi ghal adoloxxenti kien jisimhom "Ewroteens" u programmi ta' drama dwar l-ewro kien jisimhom "EwroDrama".
Fis-sena 2007, Josephine ipproduciet u pprezentat programm ta' saghtejn u nofs jismu "Wara Nofs Inhar it-Tajjeb" fuq UTV u programm dwar il-gzejjer Maltin jismu "Induru Malta".
2009 “Ekologija” 5 minutes documentaries about Maltese ecology on Education 22 (producer, filming, editing, script writing and voice over)2008-9 X-Lab transcripts and translations of some of the programmes for Education 22, TVM and the foreign TV stations (Cyprus). 2008-9 scriptwriter and reader of features “Lura fil-Klassi” of every Friday. This is an award winning TV programme 2010 produced by Moyra Felice and presented by John Demanuele. 2010 producer, scriptwriter and presenter of programme “Laboratorji” on TVM and E22 Thur 10.30am TVM streamed live on web-site of PBS Malta.