Is-CD "In-Natura"

Kanzunetti minn Josephine


Melodious Rhymes of Love video now out


Ritratti mill-Maghmudija s'issa

Programmi fuq it-TV


kollha kanzunetta li kitbet Josephine Ebejer Grech


Programmi fuq it-TV

TV Programmes.

2002-3 "Scooters il-Gimgha" on TVM and Education 22. (presenter)

2003-4 "Omnibus l-Erbgha" on Education 22. (presenter)

2003 - 2004  Assistant producer of "Naghmlu Festa" on Smash TV

2004-5 "Omnibus il-Gimgha" (presenter)

"Free" – a programme for adoloscents and youths on Education 22 (producer and presenter)

2005-6 "Kurzita'" on Education 22 – producer and presenter

2006-7 "Kabu'" on Education 22 producer and presenter

"Diversi" on for Eden Foundation on Net TV. (presenter)

2007-8 “Ewrotfal”, “Ewroteens” and “Ewrodrama” on Education 22 and TVM (producer and presenter)

“Wara Nofs Inhar it-Tajjeb” on UTV (producer and presenter)

Summer 2007 - “Induru Malta” on UTV (producer and presenter)

January - June 2009 - Documentary programmes "Ekologija" on Education 22.  (script writing, production, filming, editing, and voice overs)

Sept 2008 - June 2009 - transcripts and translations of features of programme X-Lab

March - June 2009 - features for Friday programmes "Lura fil-Klassi" produced by Moyra Felice and presented by John Demanuele on TVM and Education 22.

2010 producer, presenter and scriptwriter of programme "Laboratorji" on E22 and TVM every Thur 10.30am.


Il-programm "Scooters"

fuq TVM u

Education 22

Media courses: 

1.  Azad Trid tkun fuq it-TV, radju jew tikteb fuq il-gazzetti?  October 2001  (David Agius)  

2.  Azad Biex tahdem fuq ir-radju Februaray 2002  (David Agius)                                         


3.  Azad L-Etika fil-Media October 2003  (Fr Joe Borg)                                        


4.  MEBC A modern approach to Multimedia Education and Broadcasting September 2003  (Education 22)                                                                    5.  MEBC Advanced course in video editting using Adobe Premiere Pro.  September 2004  (Education 22) 

6.  Video Editing using Adobe Premiere Pro., Ulead 11 and other editing software.  2006 (James Sultana).

B.Ed.(Hons) Biology 1996 - 2000

Josephine flimkien mat-tim tal-programm "Omnibus" li kienet tipprezenta fuq Education 22

Ipproduciet u pprezentat programmi fuq ir-radju bhal

1.  "Bejn Diska u Kurzita'" - Eden Radio

2.  "Ghalina t-Tfal" -Radju Hompesch

3.  "Simba u Josephine"  - Radju Hompesch

In this photo there are:

Martin Attard - composer of song "Li Kieku Jiena Nista'".
Giovanna Grech (mum),  Reno Grech  (dad),  Muriel Grech (younger sister),

Festival "Diska tad-deheb" - placed second

Other things that Josephine did:

acted as Vice-President in KZX "Kummissjoni Zghazagh Xukkajri"  1995-7


was youth representative in “Kunsill Pastorali Parrokkjali Marsaxlokk” between 1995 and 1997


PRO - Kumitat Maratona bir-Roti - Hamrun Lyceum 2005 -2006


Singer from the age of 9


Producer of TV and radio programmes


Presenter of TV  programmes, Iljieli Maltin, song festivals etc. . .


She was the director and author of the play “Uzura” (1.15 hours) that was held on December 2007 at the hall of “Dun Guzepp Zammit Brighella” BJL Hamrun.

Josephine tipprezenta

u tipproduci



2005 -2006